"Un site d'achat de vêtements classique qui cohabite confort et mode. Activité principale :Chemise,Vêtements pour jambes,Une combinaison,Combinaison et pantalon,Tricots,Maillots de bain, "
"Un site d'achat de vêtements classique qui cohabite confort et mode. Activité principale :Chemise,Vêtements pour jambes,Une combinaison,Combinaison et pantalon,Tricots,Maillots de bain, " "Un site d'achat de vêtements classique qui cohabite confort et mode. Activité principale :Chemise,Vêtements pour jambes,Une combinaison,Combinaison et pantalon,Tricots,Maillots de bain, "
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TotalBoat High Performance Epoxy Resin and High Performance Non-Blushing Hardeners can be poured (to measure by weight or volume), or dispensed in exact measure using TotalBoat 2:1 Epoxy Pumps. Our 2:1 Epoxy Pumps are intended for use only with TotalBoat High Performance Epoxy Resin and Hardener containers, and they will not fit other marine 2:1 epoxy resin and hardener containers.

Which TotalBoat High Performance Hardener Do I Need for My Project?

High Performance Fast Hardener – Use High Performance Fast Hardener for the fastest cure and shortest working time at room temperature, or for an overnight cure in low temperatures (minimum 55°F).

High Performance Medium Hardener – Use High Performance Medium Hardener for most common applications, or for an overnight cure at room temperature (77°F).

High Performance Slow Hardener – Use High Performance Slow Hardener for extended working time and cure time at room temperature, or when working in warmer temperature conditions. If you are new at working with epoxy resin, the slow speed hardener will give you more working time, which you may find helpful.

Even better, you can customize pot life and cure time further by combining the different hardeners with each other. Just remember to always maintain the proper ratio of 2 parts resin to 1 part hardener by volume.

High Performance Fast Hardener Details

  • TotalBoat Epoxy Fast Hardener is to be used with TotalBoat High Performance Epoxy Resin only.
  • Provides the shortest pot life and the fastest cure time at room temperature.
  • Cures overnight in cooler temperatures (minimum 55°F).
  • Can be combined with other TotalBoat High Performance Hardeners to customize or fine-tune working properties and cure time.
  • Color: Clear
  • Sizes: Group Size A – Pint (17.9 fl. oz.), Group Size B – Half Gallon (62.6 fl. oz.), Group Size C – Gallon (128.2 fl. oz.)
  • Fast hardener is also available in a 26.1 gallon container, for use with drums of High Performance Resin. Please contact us for pricing.
  • Note: Hardener sizes correspond to group sizes of TotalBoat High Performance Epoxy Resin (sold separately).


    Properties (Admixed)High Performance Fast HardenerHigh Performance Medium HardenerHigh Performance Slow Hardener
    ColorClear, amberClearClear
    Mix Ratio by Volume (Resin:Hardener)2:12:12:1
    Mix Ratio by Weight (Resin:Hardener)100A:46B100A:45B100A:45B
    Gel Time at 77°F (150g mass)10 min.25 min.40 min.
    Tack-Free Time at 77°F2 hrs.3 hrs.5 hrs.
    Full Cure at 77°F2 days3.5 days5 days
    Minimum Recommended Temperature55°F55°F55°F
    Tensile Strength7,700 psi8,000 psi7,300 psi
    Tensile Modulus380,000 psi390,000 psi360,000 psi
    Tensile Elongation7.5%7.0%6.7%
    Flexural Strength11,600 psi11,600 psi10,200 psi
    Flexural Modulus330,000 psi360,000 psi330,000 psi
    Compressive Strength9,500 psi9,900 psi8,900 psi
    Volumetric Shrinkage848383
    Hardness, Shore D848383
    Intended for Clear Coating Applications?YESYESYES
    Maximum Pour Depth, Per Layer**Less than 1/8″1/8″
    • 1/4″, up to 75°F, for larger pours, slabs
    • 1/8″, over 75°F, for larger pours, slabs
    • 3/8″, up to 75°F, for smaller castings using up to 1 oz. of epoxy
    • 1/4″, over 75°F, for smaller castings using less than 4 oz. of epoxy

    **NOTE: For 2:1 Slow Hardener maximum pour depth: Helping to dissipate heat from the cure will generally promote a more clear, smooth surface. If heat is not allowed to dissipate sufficiently from a mold or casting, it is still possible for pours, even with these guidelines, to generate enough heat to leave an imperfect surface or a slight yellow cast in the cured product.

    High Performance Epoxy Fast Hardener

    • APint
    • BHalfGallon
    • CGallon


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